Disability progression in SPMS was associated with greater CLA in the placebo arm
CLA was measured by the change in T1LV from baseline to week 108 in SELs, non-SELs and total pre-existing CNT2 lesions in patients with SPMS treated with placebo. The analysis was restricted to the placebo group to avoid treatment effects, as natalizumab decreases ALA. CLA was compared in patients with composite disability progression (n=143) and patients who remained progression free (n=149). Patients with SPMS with confirmed composite disability progression had significantly more severe CLA than those who were progression free, as measured by T1LV change within SELs, non-SELs and CNT2 lesions (median increase (Q1, Q3) progressors vs non-progressors: 100 (3, 524) vs 23 (0, 155) mm3, p=0.0023; 231 (17, 1090) vs 109 (−29, 538) mm3, p=0.0170; and 372 (26, 1662) vs 160 (−23, 770) mm3, p=0.0026, respectively; figure 1A–C). In contrast, the brain atrophy rate as measured by whole brain volume change from baseline to week 108 did not differ significantly between patients with SPMS with and without composite confirmed disability progression (p=0.2176; figure 1D).
Figure 1Association between CLA or whole brain volume loss and composite disability progression in patients with SPMS. Change from baseline to week 108 in T1LV in (A) SELs, (B) non-SELs and (C) CNT2 lesions was significantly associated with composite disability progression in patients with SPMS treated with placebo. No difference in percentage change from baseline to week 108 in (D) whole brain volume was observed in patients with SPMS with composite disability progression compared with those with no progression. Composite progression was confirmed at 24 weeks and end of study on one or more of the EDSS, Timed 25-Foot Walk or 9-Hole Peg Test. In these box-and-whisker representations, the box spans the interquartile range, the median is marked by the horizontal line inside the box and the whiskers are the two lines outside the box that extend to the highest and lowest observations. P values by Van Elteren test; stratified by baseline EDSS Score (≤5.5 or ≥6.0) and baseline T2 lesion volume category based on tertiles (≤6908.79 mm3, >6908.79–18 818.49 mm3 and >18 818.49 mm3). CLA, chronic lesion activity; CNT2, chronic non-enhancing T2; EDSS, Expanded Disability Status Scale; SEL, slowly expanding lesion; SPMS, secondary progressive multiple sclerosis; T1LV, T1-hypointense lesion volume.
When confirmed disability progression was based only on EDSS Score, CLA as measured by T1LV increase was significantly greater in progressors than non-progressors within SELs (median increase (Q1, Q3) progressors vs non-progressors: 142 (6, 815) vs 39 (0, 258) mm3, p=0.0135; figure 2A) and CNT2 lesions (median increase (Q1, Q3) progressors vs non-progressors: 577 (66, 2529) vs 246 (0, 1090) mm3, p=0.0375; figure 2C), with a consistent trend in the same direction in non-SELs (median increase (Q1, Q3) progressors vs non-progressors: 292 (26, 1302) vs 159 (−9, 710) mm3, p=0.1156; figure 2B). Similarly, when confirmed disability progression was based only on 9HPT Score, CLA as measured by T1LV increase was significantly greater in progressors than non-progressors within SELs (median increase (Q1, Q3) progressors vs non-progressors: 112 (0, 629) vs 37 (0, 258) mm3, p=0.0051; figure 3A) and CNT2 lesions (median increase (Q1, Q3) progressors vs non-progressors: 549 (66, 1995) vs 197 (0, 1139) mm3, p=0.0075; figure 3C) and numerically greater in progressors than non-progressors within non-SELs (median increase (Q1, Q3) progressors vs non-progressors: 240 (−9, 1097) vs 143 (−3, 661) mm3, p=0.0772; figure 3B). Finally, when confirmed disability progression was based only on T25FW, CLA as measured by T1LV increase was significantly greater in progressors than non-progressors within non-SELs (median increase (Q1, Q3) progressors vs non-progressors: 229 (20, 1133) vs 141 (−25, 609) mm3, p=0.0230; figure 3E) and CNT2 lesions (median increase (Q1, Q3) progressors vs non-progressors: 371 (23, 1634) vs 205 (−6, 954) mm3, p=0.0214; figure 3F) and numerically greater in progressors than non-progressors within SELs (median increase (Q1, Q3) progressors vs non-progressors: 100 (3, 426) vs 29 (0, 220) mm3, p=0.0873; figure 3D).
Figure 2Association between CLA and EDSS progression. Increase from baseline to week 108 in T1LV within (A) SELs and (C) CNT2 lesions but not (B) non-SELs was associated with EDSS progression in patients with SPMS treated with placebo. (However, a consistent directional trend was observed in non-SELs.) EDSS progression was confirmed at 24 weeks and end of study. In these box-and-whisker representations, the box spans the interquartile range, the median is marked by the horizontal line inside the box and the whiskers are the two lines outside the box that extend to the highest and lowest observations. P values by Van Elteren test; stratified by baseline EDSS Score (≤5.5 or ≥6.0) and by baseline T2 lesion volume category based on tertiles (≤6908.79 mm3, >6908.79–18 818.49 mm3 and >18 818.49 mm3). CLA, chronic lesion activity; CNT2, chronic non-enhancing T2; EDSS, Expanded Disability Status Scale; SEL, slowly expanding lesion; SPMS, secondary progressive multiple sclerosis; T1LV, T1-hypointense lesion volume.
Figure 3Association between CLA and 9HPT progression and between CLA and T25FW progression. Change from baseline to week 108 in T1LV within (A) SELs and (C) CNT2 lesions but not (B) non-SELs was associated with 9HPT progression in patients with SPMS treated with placebo. (However, a consistent directional trend was observed in non-SELs.) Change in T1LV from baseline to week 108 within (E) non-SELs and (F) CNT2 lesions but not (D) SELs was associated with T25FW progression in patients with SPMS treated with placebo. (However, a consistent directional trend was observed in SELs.) 9HPT progression and T25FW progression were confirmed at 24 weeks and end of study. In these box-and-whisker representations, the box spans the interquartile range, the median is marked by the horizontal line inside the box and the whiskers are the two lines outside the box that extend to the highest and lowest observations. P values by Van Elteren test; stratified by baseline EDSS Score (≤5.5 or ≥6.0) and by baseline T2 lesion volume category based on tertiles (≤6908.79 mm3, >6908.79–18 818.49 mm3 and >18 818.49 mm3). 9HPT, 9-Hole Peg Test; CLA, chronic lesion activity; CNT2, chronic non-enhancing T2; EDSS, Expanded Disability Status Scale; SEL, slowly expanding lesion; SPMS, secondary progressive multiple sclerosis; T1LV, T1-hypointense lesion volume; T25FW, Timed 25-Foot Walk.
Disability progression in SPMS remained associated with greater CLA in the complete absence of ALA
From baseline to week 108, 95 of 292 placebo patients with SPMS had no ALA, defined as no baseline or postbaseline Gd+ T1 lesions and no postbaseline new/enlarging T2 lesions. CLA in patients with SPMS with no ALA was compared in patients with composite confirmed disability progression (n=40) and patients who remained progression free (n=55). Patients exhibiting composite progression had more severe CLA than those who were progression free, as shown by a significant difference in T1LV change within non-SELs (p=0.0045; figure 4B) and CNT2 lesions (p=0.0103; figure 4C) and a trend in the same direction was observed in SELs (p=0.2332; figure 4A). Similar findings were observed in the natalizumab arm (online supplemental figure S1).
Figure 4Association between CLA and composite disability progression in the absence of ALA. CLA in (B) non-SELs and (C) CNT2 lesions but not (A) SELs remained associated with composite disability progression in the absence of ALA in patients with SPMS treated with placebo. (However, a consistent directional trend was observed in SELs.) Absence of acute lesion activity was defined as no baseline and postbaseline T1 gadolinium-enhancing and no postbaseline new/enlarging T2 lesions. Composite progression was confirmed at 24 weeks and end of study on one or more of the EDSS, Timed 25-Foot Walk or 9-Hole Peg Test. In these box-and-whisker representations, the box spans the interquartile range, the median is marked by the horizontal line inside the box and the whiskers are the two lines outside the box that extend to the highest and lowest observations. P values by Van Elteren test; stratified by baseline EDSS Score (≤5.5 or ≥6.0) and baseline T2 lesion volume category based on tertiles (≤6908.79 mm3, >6908.79–18 818.49 mm3 and >18 818.49 mm3). ALA, acute lesion activity; CLA, chronic lesion activity; CNT2, chronic non-enhancing T2; EDSS, Expanded Disability Status Scale; SEL, slowly expanding lesion; SPMS, secondary progressive multiple sclerosis; T1LV, T1-hypointense lesion volume.
SEL prevalence in patients with SPMS treated with placebo was lower in the absence of ALA
Placebo patients with SPMS with ALA had a higher SEL prevalence as measured by SEL number and volume (based on T2w borders of SELs at baseline) and a higher proportion of baseline T2LV identified as SELs than patients with no ALA (figure 5A–C). The proportion of patients with at least one SEL was also higher in patients with ALA (89%, n=197) in comparison with those with no ALA (71%, n=95). Analysis of the differences in SEL prevalence between patients with SPMS with no ALA (n=95) and those with ALA at baseline only (n=28) or postbaseline (n=169) confirmed that both baseline and postbaseline ALA were associated with a higher SEL prevalence, though the sample size of patients with ALA at baseline only was too small for the associated SEL prevalence to reach significance with respect to SEL number and relative volume (figure 5A,C). An analysis of the frequency distribution of patients by range of SEL prevalence also showed that 19% of patients with ALA had >20% of their total T2 lesion burden identified as SELs, compared with only 5% of patients with no ALA (figure 5D).
Figure 5Prevalence of SELs and frequency distribution of SEL severity in the presence versus absence of ALA. SEL (A) number, (B) absolute volume and (C) relative volume (percentage of baseline non-enhancing T2LV) were greater in patients with SPMS treated with placebo who had ALA compared with those with no ALA. (D) The frequency distribution of patients by range of SEL prevalence indicates that patients with ALA had a greater percentage of their total T2 lesion burden identified as SELs compared with patients with no ALA. In these box-and-whisker representations, the box spans the interquartile range, the median is marked by the horizontal line inside the box and the whiskers are the two lines outside the box that extend to the highest and lowest observations. No acute lesion activity was defined as no baseline or postbaseline Gd+ T1 lesions and no postbaseline new/enlarging T2 lesions in weeks 24, 48, 72, 96 and 108. Acute lesions were defined as baseline Gd+ T1 lesions and postbaseline Gd+ T1 lesions and new/enlarging T2 lesions in weeks 24, 48, 72, 96 and 108. P values by Van Elteren test: stratified by baseline EDSS Score (≤5.5 or ≥6.0) and baseline T2LV category based on tertiles (≤6908.79 mm3, >6908.79–18 818.49 mm3 and >18 818.49 mm3). ALA, acute lesion activity; BL, baseline; EDSS, Expanded Disability Status Scale; Gd+, gadolinium enhancing; SEL, slowly expanding lesion; SPMS, secondary progressive multiple sclerosis; T2LV, T2-hyperintense lesion volume.
Natalizumab versus placebo effect on SELs and CLA in patients with SPMS
The placebo-treated and natalizumab-treated arms had similar percentages of patients with ≥1 SEL detected from baseline to week 108 (83% vs 79%).
Natalizumab was associated with lower SEL prevalence than placebo, as indicated by a lower number of SELs (median number, 3 vs 4; p<0.0001; figure 6A) and a lower absolute SEL volume (median T2w SEL volume at baseline, 288 vs 561 mm3; p<0.0001; figure 6B). Accordingly, the proportion of total baseline non-enhancing T2LV longitudinally identified as SELs was significantly lower in natalizumab-treated than placebo-treated patients (median proportion, 2.7% vs 5.0%; p<0.0001; figure 6C).
Figure 6Effect of natalizumab on SEL prevalence. Natalizumab reduced the (A) number, (B) absolute volume and (C) relative volume (percentage of baseline non-enhancing T2LV) of SELs in patients with SPMS. Box-and-whisker representations: the box spans the interquartile range, the median is marked by the horizontal line inside the box and the whiskers are the two lines outside the box that extend to the highest and lowest observations. P values by Van Elteren test; stratified by baseline Expanded Disability Status Scale Score (≤5.5 or ≥6.0) and baseline T2LV category based on tertiles (≤6908.79 mm3, >6908.79–18 818.49 mm3 and >18 818.49 mm3). BL, baseline; SEL, slowly expanding lesion; SPMS, secondary progressive multiple sclerosis; T2LV, T2-hyperintense lesion volume; T2w, T2 weighted.
Brain tissue loss associated with CLA as measured by absolute and relative T1LV accumulation was lower in natalizumab-treated than placebo-treated patients within both SELs (figure 7A,C) and non-SELs (figure 7B,D).
Figure 7Change in CLA with natalizumab versus placebo. Natalizumab reduced CLA as measured by both (A,B) absolute increase and (C,D) percentage increase in T1LV in SELs and non-SELs compared with placebo in patients with SPMS. Distribution-free quantile confidence limits are displayed. P values by Van Elteren test; stratified by baseline EDSS Score (≤5.5 or ≥6.0) and baseline T2 lesion volume category based on tertiles (≤6908.79 mm3, >6908.79–18 818.49 mm3 and >18 818.49 mm3). BL, baseline; CLA, chronic white matter lesion activity; EDSS, Expanded Disability Status Scale; SPMS, secondary progressive multiple sclerosis; T1LV, T1-hypointense lesion volume.