
2398 High adherence to anticoagulation guidelines for stoke patients with atrial fibrillation at a regional NSW hospital


Atrial fibrillation (AF), a cause of heart arrythmia, is a risk factor for stroke.1–8 In 2018, the updated Australian Heart Foundation guidelines strongly recommended provision of anticoagulants to patients with AF to mitigate stroke risk.8

Methods/Objectives This study aimed to determine the proportion of patients with AF who are managed effectively for the mitigation of stroke according to these guidelines. This was achieved via a small-scale, observational retrospective cohort study/clinical audit at the Orange Health Service (OHS). This research analysed the proportion of patients admitted to OHS between 2018 and 2020 with acute stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA) along with a clinical history or discharge diagnosis of AF. Data was analysed in two steps; firstly, all patient admission files were screened for the presence of a history of or discharge diagnosis of AF. Secondly, patient files that met this screening criteria were reviewed to determine the appropriateness of their management according to the guidelines, while additionally identifying further risk factors.

Results As part of the study, a total of 191 individual stroke admissions were screened. Our results demonstrated an adherence to anticoagulation therapy guidelines in 16/19 (84%) patients prior to admission with a history of AF and an adherence of 21/24 patients (87.5%) following their stroke admission to the OHS with a discharge diagnosis of AF.

Conclusions Our small-scale study’s results suggested high rates of adherence to anticoagulation therapy guidelines at the OHS, consistent with contemporary literature in the rural and metropolitan clinical environment.5 9–13


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