The total sample included 694 participants, with 382 from the general population (CamCAN) sample and 312 from the precariously housed (Hotel Study) sample. The general population sample was slightly older (44.2 vs 41.8; W=67 022, p=0.0047) and had a lower proportion of males (47.6% vs 78.8%; χ2=69.4, p<0.0001), and all subsequent analyses were adjusted for age and sex.
The crude relationships between whole-brain imaging outcomes and age for each sample are shown in figure 1, with adjusted estimates reported in-text and in online supplemental table 1. Older age was associated with whole-brain atrophy in both samples; however, the precariously housed sample had a stronger association than the general population (β=−0.20, p=0.0029). The relationship between atrophy and age was linear in the general population and non-linear in the precariously housed sample, where older age was associated with more atrophy after age 37.0 (95% CI=30.0 to 44.0). The association between age and atrophy was 6.5 times the slope before age 37 and approximately two times the magnitude of association as in the general population.
Figure 1Whole-brain measures in the general population sample (Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (CamCAN); blue) and in the precariously housed sample (Hotel Study; orange). Each metric is centred to the mean of the respective sample and standardised. For linear relationships, a linear fit and shaded 95% CI is shown. For non-linear relationships, the piecewise regression estimates are shown with a dashed linear (+ 95% CI) fit shown for reference.
The differential atrophy in the precariously housed sample appeared to be largely driven by cerebral white matter volume (β=−0.12, p=0.0015), as neither cortical volume (β=−0.049, p=0.16) nor subcortical grey matter volume (β=−0.060, p=0.19) were significantly different in slope compared with the general population, and both declined linearly in each sample. The relationship between age and cerebral white matter volume was linear in the general population and stable across the age range. In contrast, the relationship was non-linear in the precariously housed sample as older age was associated with higher cerebral white matter volume up to age 39.8, after which it was associated with lower cerebral white matter volume.
There was also a stronger association between age and both whole-brain FA (β=−0.32, p<0.0001) and whole-brain MD (β=0.69, p<0.0001) in the precariously housed sample relative to the general population, with non-linear relationships in both samples for each metric. After age 36.4 in the precariously housed sample, older age was associated with lower FA at a magnitude 5.7 times that of the association before the breakpoint and approximately two times that of the general population at a similar age. After age 43.4 in the precariously housed sample, older age was associated with higher MD at a magnitude 5.4 times that of the association before the breakpoint and 7.9 times that of the general population at a similar age.
Differential associations with age for cortical thickness, subcortical volumes and white matter tract diffusivity between the two samples is shown in figure 2, with full results reported in online supplemental table 2–4. In the precariously housed sample compared with the general population, older age was associated with lower cortical thickness in the middle and inferior temporal areas bilaterally, temporal poles and the middle frontal and medial orbitofrontal areas, lower corpus callosum volume, higher third and lateral ventricle volumes, lower FA in 16 of 20 tracts and higher MD in 14 of 20 tracts.
Figure 2Differential associations across cortical, subcortical and white matter regions of interest between the general population and precariously housed sample. Beta weight is the standardised beta from a sample×age interaction term for each region in the Desikan-Killiany atlas (top panel, left), FreeSurfer subcortical atlas (top panel, right) and Johns Hopkins University white matter atlas (bottom panel). Positive (blue) beta weights indicate that the relationship between the imaging metric and age is more positive in the precariously housed sample compared with the general population and negative (red) beta weights indicate that the relationship between the imaging metric and age is more negative in the precariously housed sample compared with the general population. FA, fractional anisotropy; MD, mean diffusivity.
Overall, 19 of the 312 precariously housed participants (6.1%) had MRI evidence of encephalomalacia attributable to traumatic brain injury, figure 3. Traumatic brain injury lesions most commonly affected the frontal and orbitofrontal regions, as well as the temporal poles, consistent with the known vulnerability of these regions to trauma.34 Additionally, 17 (5.4%) of the precariously housed participants had MRI evidence of stroke, which has been characterised in detail previously.9 There were no substantive changes in the nature or direction of our findings with either of these subgroups removed (online supplemental table 5 and online supplemental figures 3–5), indicating that our results are not unduly driven by individuals with MRI evidence of traumatic brain injury or stroke.
Figure 3Overlap of lesions determined to be caused by traumatic brain injury in the precariously housed sample. Lesions are projected on the MNI-152 1 mm template. Yellow/white denotes higher number of lesions overlapping.
Finally, we explored whether factors such as mental illness diagnoses, substance use, intravenous drug use, HIV, history of traumatic brain injury or MRI evidence of stroke were associated with atrophy or whole-brain FA in the precariously housed sample. The final blocks showing all risk factors we explored are shown in figure 4 and the preliminary models and full results are reported in online supplemental tables 6 and 7. Male sex (β=−0.47, p=0.00049) and history of traumatic brain injury (β=−0.35, p=0.0017) were independently associated with greater atrophy. Heroin dependence was associated with lower FA (β=−0.28, p=0.031) and stimulant dependence was associated with higher FA (β=0.34, p=0.034). MRI evidence of stroke fell just outside of statistical significance for both tissue-to-intracranial volume ratio (−β=0.42, p=0.056) and mean whole-brain FA (β=−0.47, p=0.054).
Figure 4Forest plot of the associations between risk factors and tissue-to-intracranial volume (left) and risk factors and mean whole-brain fractional anisotropy (right). Error bars denote the 95% CI for the regression estimate. NOS, not otherwise specified.