Table 1

Characteristics of surveyed trainees and faculty

Trainees (N=17)
Level of trainingPGY13 (18%)
PGY24 (24%)
PGY34 (24%)
PGY43 (18%)
PGY51 (6%)
PGY62 (12%)
Are you a graduating resident/fellow?Yes5 (29%)
No12 (71%)
Were you redeployed to a COVID-19 unit?Yes9 (53%)
No8 (4%)
Did you test positive for COVID-19 or were you suspected to have COVID-19?Yes3 (18%)
No14 (82%)
Faculty (N=25)
Years of practice1–3 years4 (16%)
4–10 years9 (36%)
11–20 years9 (36%)
>20 years3 (12%)
SubspecialtyEpilepsy3 (12%)
General neurology1 (4%)
Headache and facial pain1 (4%)
Movement disorders1 (4%)
Multiple sclerosis/autoimmune2 (8%)
Neuro-oncology2 (8%)
Neurocritical care1 (4%)
Neurocritical care/vascular1 (4%)
Neurointerventional1 (4%)
Neuromuscular7 (28%)
Neuromuscular/MS1 (4%)
Vascular neurology4 (16%)
Full time?Yes24 (96%)
No1 (4%)
Do you routinely interact with residents?Yes24 (96%)
No1 (4%)
In what capacity do you routinely interact with residents?Mentorship17 (68%)
Direct supervision in outpatient17 (68%)
Direct supervision in inpatient14 (56%)
Didactics20 (80%)
Research13 (52%)
  • MS, multiple sclerosis; PGY, postgraduate year.