Table 1

Inventory of 67 computed features for writing and drawing

Feature type
Feature abbreviationFeature descriptionFeature dimension
Static features
avgStrLenAir, medStrLenAir, maxStrLenAir, minStrLenAir, stdStrLenAir, iqrStrLenAir, avgStrLen, medStrLen, maxStrLen, minStrLen, stdStrLen, iqrStrLenAverage, median, maximum, minimum, SD and IQR of pen stroke length in air and on tablet surface.6×2=12
inAirT, onSurT, totalT, ratioAirtoSurT, satPreDur, noPauseTime in air; time on tablet surface; total time; ratio of air-to-surface time; duration with saturated pressure; number of pauses.6
Kinematic features
avgVx, medVx, maxVx, stdVx, avgVy, medVy, maxVy, stdVy, ratioVxVyAverage, median, maximum and SD of pen tip velocity in x and y directions; ratio of pen tip median velocity in x and y.4×2+1=9
avgAx, medAx, maxAx, stdAx, avgAy, medAy, maxAy, stdAy, ratioAxAyAverage, median, maximum and SD of pen tip acceleration in x and y directions; ratio of median acceleration in x and y.4×2+1=9
avgJx, medJx, maxJx, stdJx, avgJy, medJy, maxJy, stdJy, ratioJxJyAverage, median, maximum and SD of pen tip jerk in x and y directions; ratio of median jerk in x and y.4×2+1=9
 Linear speed
avgS, medS, maxS, stdSAverage, median, maximum and SD of pen tip speed.4
 Angular speed
avgAngS, medAngS, maxAngS, stdAngSAverage, median, maximum and SD of pen tip angular speed.4
 Direction changesDx, Dy, Dxy, diffDxyTotal number of direction changes in x direction, y direction and both x and y directions; absolute differences in direction changes in either x or y.4
Pen pressure features
 PressureavgP, medP, stdP, skewP, kurtPAverage, median and SD of pen tip pressure applied on the tablet surface; skewness and kurtosis of pressure.5
 Pressure differencesavgDiffP, medDiffP, stdDiffP, skewDiffP, kurtDiffPAverage, median and SD of pen tip pressure difference applied on the tablet surface; skewness and kurtosis of pressure difference.5