Table 2

Subject disposition, demographics and baseline disease characteristics

Subject disposition
Completed baseline visit105†
Primary analysis population103
Safety analysis population100
Completed week 24 visit85 (81.0%)
Completed week 48 visit69 (65.7%)
Subject characteristicsEvaluable patients (N=103)
Age, mean (SD), years49.5 (11.8)
Female, n (%)82 (79.6)
Race, n (%)
Caucasian/white98 (95.1)
Not Caucasian3 (2.9)
Unknown2 (1.9)
Time since first symptoms of MS‡, mean (SD), years9.1 (8.8) (n=100)
Time since most recent relapse‡, mean (SD), months36.9 (64.6) (n=99)
Number of relapses in the last year, mean (SD)0.6 (0.6)
Baseline EDSS score, median (range)1.0 (0.0–8.0) (n=81)
Gadolinium-enhancing lesions present on current MRI§, n (%)17 (16.5)
Previous/recent DMT, n (%)
Yes49 (47.6)
No54 (52.4)
Previous/other DMTs, n (%)20 (19.4)
  • *One subject did not have RRMS; one subject was unable to complete questionnaires.

  • †In addition to the two patients excluded from the primary analysis population, three patients did not receive teriflunomide.

  • ‡Calculated from the date of the first dose of teriflunomide.

  • §Most recent MRI could be performed up to 2 months prior to first dose of teriflunomide.

  • DMT, disease-modifying therapy; EDSS, Expanded Disability Status Scale; RRMS, relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.